Ch Quinn sister GrCh Pearl
Ch. Piccadilly's Braveheart Offshore Venture
Quinn Group 4 5pts
Quinn BOV Darcy Select Quinn Best of Winners
Quinn's older sister Pearl on her way to Grand Champion
Quinn 7 months old BOS 2pts
Meet Quinn Archies son 12 weeks old. Getting ready to take us in the ring.
Patrick WD/BOS for a 4 pt Major Kathy's Lemonade Group 1
Pearl New Champion Aug 2023 Patrick Ocala 4-6 month pup
Superman Best In Show Veteran Dog Poodle Club of America National 2023
Ozzy's Sister Pearl went BOV in Alaska & reserve at her first two shows.
Champion Kenzie in the Best In Show Ring in Miami
In Miami Kenzie in her first champion lineup for BOV
Kenzie Group 1 for 3pt major to finish her Championship
Kenzie BOV Kenzie Winners
BIS NOHS Miami Kenzie got a 4pt major WB BOS In Lakeland.
Ozzy got a Group 3 & Group 1 in Miami
Ozzy Group 2 4-6 month puppy in Lakeland
Ozzy Group 3 NS 4-6 month puppy Brooksville
Ozzy BIS 4-6 month Puppy BROOKSVILLE Kenzie 4pt major
Kenzie 8month old & younger brother Ozzy 13 weeks old
Kenzie getting a 3pt Major Gwyneth & Kenzie group 2 OH
Archie & Darcy's Daughter Kenzi winning ribbons in the 4-6 month pup classes in Tampa
Chipper daughter Sunny
Grand Champion Ch. Piccadilly's Heir to the Throne (Archie)
Ch Piccadilly's Heir to the Throne Archie 4pt Major Ocala
Piccadilly's Heir to the Throne (Archie)5pt major Brooksville 3pt Major Perry GA

GCH CH Piccadilly's Braveheart Dancing Queen (Darcy)
Darcy reserve to 5pt major at Tampa Sept 2020
Darcy won a 4 pt Major in Ocala & BOW 2pts in Brooksville
Ch Spencer Ch Pegs
Ch Harvey Archie 10 weeks old Chloe & Brodie son.
Carrie and Sonny select & BOV at Tampa 2020
Superman Daughter Darcy as a pup and winning 2pts in Arcadia
Ch.Piccadilly's Back to the Future with 3 5point Majors under 3 Judges.
Superman BIS Stud Dog PCA 2019 Danielle BIS Junior Handler PCA 2019
Congratulations to Kathy with Fergie BOS & Sharon with Pegs BOW OH
Docky 7mo 5pt Major Darcy 4 mo Group 1 4-6 month class
with proud mum Gwyneth Lee
Piccadilly's Back To The Future 7 months left 6 months old right.
- Superman's Son Ch. Harvey
Ch. Cooper Doc Son Superman & Luna's younger sister Grand Ch Fergie
Dr Who Son Cooper went BOV & Dr Who Grandson Luna Son Docky got 3 Group 1's 4-6 month pup
Ch. Harvey Beautiful GCH Fergie
Ch. Piccadilly's Son of Superman GCH Fergie
Superman Daughter Chloe is now Ch Piccadilly's Atomic Blonde
Kathy's Fergie Younger sister to Superman & Luna
Superman with daughter Chloe & son Harvey
Superman with daughter Chloe & son Harvey

Carrie with her Lance
taking 1st Place
in the 9-12 month Class
at PCA 2018

Ch Cooper
a Dr Who Son
belonging to
Gwyneth Lee
Sharon & Pegs 3pt Major Chipper 4pt Major
Chipper 2 BOV's
Carrie & Lance BOV Am Can Ch Wilson
Superman (Litter brother & sister)(2017) Luna
Ch Fergie at PCA 2017 3rd Ch.Piccadilly's I Was Born This Way
Fergie BOV & her Brothers daughter Chloe
Chloe Chipper
Bronze Superman Luna
Piccadilly's Son of Superman Piccadilly's Atomic Blonde
Chipper 10 months 5 points Scarlett 4 mo 1st NS 4-6month puppy
Superman BOV Luna 4pts BOS Ky A Son of Superman first show
Son of Superman 2 points Can Ch Wilson winning 4pt Major in USA
Reserve BIS OH Luna Group 1 OH
Superman & his sister Luna
Wilson Group 4 Wilson Son of Superman BIS Puppy
Superman & sister Luna
Piccadilly's I Was Born This Way GCh Piccadilly's Sunshine Superman
Luna 2 points Superman Group 3
Superman BOV & Maddie BOS for Grand Championship
Superman and his mum Maddie
Superman BOW Maddie BOS |
Best Of Breed Orlando Poodle Club |
Superman 3pt major Superman 2 pts
Maddie Group 1 BIS NOHS Maddie BOV
Pico 1st Points Maddie Group 1 Maddie Group 1 NOH
GCH CH Piccadilly's Aurora's Maid of Honour(Maddie) mum to Superman & Fergie
Ch.Piccadilly's Musicbox Dancer (Carmelita) Ch Piccadilly's Aston Martin (Kenco)
Ch. Piccadilly's Artistic Pokemon Piccadilly's Tudor Rose Ch Piccadilly's Harry Potter
Ch Piccadilly's Samson Ch Piccadilly's Union Jack Ch. Carmelita and Brother Remmy